il mondo di eLIOT

Cristina Finotto was born in December 1959 in the province of Venice.
She is married, with one son and she has been living for about thirty years in Papozze, a small town in the Po delta, located in the province of Rovigo. She worked for about 15 years at the public library of her town.
In the 2000s she shows a great interest in poetry. In 2004 she published her first collection of poems “I viaggi del cuore” (Travels of the heart), followed in 2007 by a new publication entitled "Barche di carta" (Paper boats). With surprise and joy she deserves the attention of critics, with positive and completely unexpected achievements in many literary competitions in the Veneto region.
She loves creativity and photography, which becomes her means to convey emotions. In 2012 she showed her works for the first time with the exibition “Barefoot on my land”. In 2013 she sets up a review of black and white photos entitled “The hands tell the time” in the nursing home of Papozze. In june 2014 she presents together with her latest book of poems “Songs of naked water”, a new exibition "I want to tell about this land” with images strongly related to her collection. She participates in some important projects on social issues such as Project 192, which involves 192 photographers, some famous worldwide, in memory of the 192 victims of the Madrid massacres of 2004. In 2015 together with 15 other italian photographers, she participates in the project “ I want to live, someone take me by the hand” on eating disorders. The exibition began at the former Stables of Palazzo Moroni in Padova and then continued in other cites. In the same year a series of her images were shown at Ca’ Cornera in Taglio di Po. In 2016 she took part in the photographic project "Re di picche” (King of spades) on pathological gambling addiction and the like. In the same year she created a new exibition dedicated to John Berger entitle "Beyond a world of fog". Her works have been shown in many locations of the Po Delta and other places in Italy. Her photo "E spezzò il pane..." (And he broke the bread...) was selected for the front page of the newspaper “L'Eco di Bergamo" published on Easter thursday 2017. In may 2017 she shows for the first time in her native town “The hands tell the time" in the prestigious Corte Salasco in Cavanella d'Adige. In August 2017 she set up the new exibition "Inquiete cure” (Restless care), black and white photos, in the Papozze public library together with her dear friend and photographer Rachele C. In 2018 she participated with her images in some exibitions set up in Itally for the project "The city of women". On june 15 2019 she is once again included in the collective exibition "The reflections of the soul”. For years she has been curating writing and photography blogs. Her works are present in some international photographic websites. in 2022 she reached the result of 11.000 followers on the Instagram.